Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Crash and burn?!

Alas, my focus for the past week has not been on controlling my hand-in-mouth disease. I know I've been eating with abandon, and I know it's due to worry and stress over finances and the lack of a full-time job. Well, hopefully, that's been remedied today. I have a job offer, and I've accepted it, so maybe there is one less thing to stress me out.

I will be in an office with other people, and I tend to be more conscious of my eating around others, so they don't get a bad opinion of me based on my eating habits. Is that weird? Do other people do that too? (I always wonder what I would be like if I were rich and famous and had papparazzi following me around -did you SEE what she was eating?!?!) So, hopefully, I will get back on track again shortly. But, tonight we are having a celebration!!

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